Sunday, October 7, 2007

What Does A Dialysis Technician Make


Letture obbligatorie:
Samuel Beckett , Act Without Words I, II; Rough for Theatre I, II; Play; Come and Go; That Time; Footfalls; A Piece of Monologue; Rockaby; Ohio Impromptu; Catastrophe; What Where ; in The Complete Dramatic Works , Faber & Faber, London, 1986.
Harold Pinter , Landscape; Silence; Monologue; One for the Road; Mountain Language; Family Voices, Victoria Station, Precisely, The New World Order ; in Plays, Faber and Faber, London.
critical readings mandatory :
James Knowlson, Samuel Beckett: A Life , Einaudi, Torino, 2001. (Especially from chapter 20 to 26).
Michael Billington, The Life and Work of Harold Pinter , Faber & Faber, London, 1996. (Especially from Chapter 9 to 20).
Roberto Canziani, Gianfranco Capitta Harold Pinter: Scene and power , Garzanti, 2005
Annamaria Cascetta, The tragic humor: a study on the drama of Samuel Beckett , letters, Florence, 2000. (Pp. 143-229)
Bertinetti Paul, The English drama of the twentieth century , new revised edition, Einaudi, Torino, 2003. (Particularly the second part)
Roberto Canziani, Gianfranco Capitta Harold Pinter: a portrait , Anabasis, Milan, 1995.
Samuel Beckett Theatre full , Library of the Pléiade, Einaudi, Torino, 1994 (available at copy center)
More critical readings will eventually be disclosed during the course of lezioni.In the exam, students must be able to read and translate texts of the required readings in this program.


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