Sunday, February 27, 2011

Metall Boat To Float 50 Pennies

Workshop Program Comments are active

The Workshops are spaces where exhibitors can make announcements about the products they sold. There are interesting opportunities to update their knowledge and to contact companies directly and demonstrators to obtain information and explanations about equipment and materials.
The workshop program is being finalized, but we can anticipate what will be the companies that engage in these types of communications. They are: Biomax, Bioloren, Defra Dental OF Italy, Major, Manfredi-Saed, MediWork, NobilMetal, Resist Group, Straumann.
Participation in the Workshop is free, but reservations required because the rooms are reserved capacity limited (30 to 50 seats).

As soon as all the details for registration to the Workshop.

Stay in touch with ExpoAntloStresa!


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